The Process of Making a Tuxedo Inspired Jacket

Have you ever wondered how clothes are made? If so, then I have a few videos I think you'll enjoy!
If you're someone who dabbles in sewing, has thought about taking some sewing lessons or just find sewing related videos satisfying or entertaining to watch, then this 3-part video series is for you! It will give you a better understanding of the entire process of making a jacket.
In this video series, I'm taking on the challenge of making my dream jacket using a remnant piece of fabric. The jacket is a tuxedo inspired design that I have named the "Mia" jacket.
I share with you the process of figuring out where I want parts of the fabric print to be placed on the jacket once it's finished, which also helps me calculate if the piece of fabric will be enough for this jacket.
I also go over the entire process of cutting and sewing the jacket, including all of the facings and lining pieces, as well as how I hand sew the hems of the sleeves and the opening along the bottom edge of the lining at the waistline.
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Stay fabulous my friends!
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